“Girls leave me to others”

I am far from macho and not alpha male, rather a simple and domestic guy. In a relationship I value comfort, both my own and partners. Many of the imperfections of the girl, including psychological features, accept and try to help her, but I am not embarrassed to say what words of her offended me. I also ask the girl to talk about everything that worries her. I do not put forward any special requirements for either appearance or her hobbies: if a person is pleasant, then I just accept as he is.

But, unfortunately, my relationship was only twice – at 16 and literally a couple of months ago – and they ended in complete failure, as the girls went to others. And in general, I often hear from the female: “You are a good friend, but. “From the relationship I” leave “for a long time, at least 4-5 months, because I love it strongly and after parting I close in myself.

I can’t say that I was generally in a romantic relationship, since for me they begin only after recognition of love. Because of my conservative education and view of the world, this has never been.

While others are changing partners and partners, like gloves, I understand with sadness that I have very little experience in relations. That I will have to stumble upon those mistakes that others have long passed, and for a long, long time to take a walk by the hand of the greatest personal achievement in a relationship. It is scary that with such big breaks I will not soon be able to build more or less serious relationships.

Doubts rolled right there, but is it possible to love me at all? After all, no one guarantees love, lonely people are not so few … and why they all leave? Why am I just a friend for them? Will I break out of this? Yes, relationships are not a vital necessity, but I want to be happy not alone, but with a good girl.

Dmitry, the emergence of a relationship between a man and a woman is still standing on whales such as mutual interest, sympathy and attractiveness in terms of sex. What usually makes a man actually a man and not only a friend is actions: courtship, care

Znásilnenie je najbežnejšou ženskou fantáziou. Predstavte si, ako vás človek núti mať sex, viagra pre zeny vzrušuje. Ženy však toto násilie vôbec fantastické. Kľúčovým bodom je cítiť silu človeka a cítiť sa ako obeť, ktorá nie je schopná odolať. Je to sexy.

, protection and manifestation of love. Relations become romantic at the moment when a woman understands that she has become special for a man and he is ready to spend time and effort on winning her.

This is the most important point, and it is connected with the impression that you make on the girl. Whatever your strategy, it should lead to the birth of a sense of admiration. A spark appears on this basis and chemistry occurs. You must know your capabilities. That is, empathy, sensitivity and attentiveness – these are your faithful tools for building communication, in which there is trust and adoption. But to stop being just a friend, you need other qualities.

Let’s start with the fact that you yourself should like like a man. The ratio of internal and external appearance is very important. Critically inspect your wardrobe and appearance, evaluate yourself: what impression do you make? You like what you see? What image do you translate through clothes and appearance? Think about how you are able to hit your chosen one, why can she want to choose you in response to your choice?

And when you won her, when she is fascinated by you, you can start taking care and give her support. However, everything needs to be observed in the sense of proportion. If you are no different from girlfriends who listen and give advice, then you should think about the type and nature of your sympathy. Maybe there are topics where you should not look. Your gender gives you a qualitative difference, and find out what it is, you can, reflecting on the question of what makes you a man.

Do not lose heart, you will succeed. Choose the relationship that you like, and do not be afraid of losses. As a result, you will strengthen in the understanding that your preferences are important and learn to choose people whose values and worldview are consonant with your.

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